Importing Vertex Animated models.


I’m trying to import a model with a vertex animation.
I’ve tried everything I could, and am unable to find a solution, this is a real obstacle for me, as I need these models to continue development of my game.
Is there a way for me to import this vertex animated model into the unreal engine?

I’d like to do this with as little work as possible, as I have multiple animations in one animation timeline, e.g FireAnim-pause-DeathAnim-pause-ReloadAnim.

I’ve looked into morph targets, but these would not work, as there are multiple animations.

Kind regards,

For multiple animations, vertex animation is not the way to go.
Morph targets and bone animations would be the suggested choice.

You can use multiple morph animations, multiple bone animations, and blend between them.
Blending vertex animations is hard, costs a lot of texture memory, and the normal maps etc wont look all that good.

If you really want to know more though: Vertex Animation Tool - Timeline Meshes | Unreal Engine Documentation

hi biocquake, if you are a 3dsmax user, you may take a look at this :

hope it helps !

The mentioned fixes are very appreciated, but did not really solve my problem. The thing is, I’m trying to import classic Quake models, and keep the original vertex animations. I’d rather not start from scratch and create a bone structure for this mesh, as it’ll require a complete recreation of the mesh.

For extra information about what I’m using, I’m using Blender for the 3d modeling and viewing.

Well cant help you there, as I am not a blender user.
I can tell you though, that you arent really allowed to use the quake models.
But for personal testing it should be fine.

Thing is, loads of stuff has changed since that era and using such old tech in ue4 can be tricky to get working.
You’d need to either export everything with morph targets in blender, which should be possible… or re-animate the chars.

Nontheless… this isnt a “I rather not” thing, but a “I guess I’ll have to” situation.

The models were to be used as placeholders, but it seems that’ll not work. Because of this, I’ll have to rework the entire model, and create a bone structure for it. I guess I’ll have to. thanks for the answer.

Kind regards,