Sequencer bugs

Tried using Sequencer last night at a real project. While it is a very promising attempt, these are some show stoppers:

  1. Animations on bones from Maya jitter when imported. The jitter may be acceptable on smaller chains, but larger chains are unusable.
  2. Whenever I rotate an object and set a few keys, the Z axis rotation goes all over the place many times.
  3. Attach is a mess. I need to only enter the transform in the left of the sequencer, moving the object in the editor messes things up.
  4. Sometimes when I am viewing my camera, and then dragging it to key it, it snaps back. I have to click outside in the view and then click the camera again. It then drags fine.

Will post more as I remember.


Hi manishbuttan,

There isn’t really enough information here for me to enter any bug reports. I suspect you might have some other issues with performance or engine compatibility based on your last 2 listings.

Could you please expand on the following for each listing:

  1. Are the animations jittering outside of sequencer (i.e when you preview the animation in Persona)? If so, then this may be an issue with the rig or export process that you’re using and not sequencer.
  2. We haven’t seen this issue, could you expand on your steps to reproduce this?
  3. Are you reporting two separate things here? Our testing hasn’t shown any issues with attachments. If you’ve found something that our tests missed, please expand on your complaint. Moving objects in the viewport works as expected on our end. Could you explain the circumstances that cause these issues for you?
  4. Are you dragging in the timeline after you move the camera? This will cause it to snap to the location of the last key (or the interpolation between two keys).

Hi ,

  1. Yes the animation is jittering outside of sequencer, but not in Maya. I have switched off all animation compression in Unreal, but it still jitters. Can I upload the exported bone animation and original maya file here?
  2. I animated a camera in Unreal, when you rotate it and save keys, the Z rotation jumps to the other side of the curve. This happens a few times and other times it works fine. I have to go to the curve editor and bring down the z key below to this side of the 180 degrees. Try rotating and keying the camera a few times and you should be able to catch this.
  3. I created a socket in a bone, and then attached a static mesh to the socket using the attach track. It was offset as expected. Then when I moved the object in the editor into place, the static mesh transform track suddenly started recording the transform based on the Bone transform, which of course caused the mesh to jump when I moved the slider.
  4. I keyed the camera and then moved to another position in the track, then dragged the camera in the editor. When I released the mouse, it snapped back to the earlier position, without me touching the track.

If this is still unclear I could attach some videos to the bugs to show you the issues.

  1. Yes, you can zip the files and upload them or you can host them on Google Drive/Dropbox. If you’d rather send them privately, you can PM me a download link on the forums.
  2. Apologies for the confusion, but this was a bug that was previously entered and marked as fixed (UE-22228). It appears it wasn’t actually fixed and I’ve re-opened it.
  3. We have a bug in for this. It is not yet resolved. UE-27640
  4. I can’t get this one to reproduce. A video of this one would be greatly appreciated.

Hi manisbuttan,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Hello. Regarding UE-22228, please se my comment at:

It is related to using linear interpolations when you should use or allow us to select spherical interpolations, and also with gimbal lock and the fact that the camera actor doesn’t allow us to select a custom up-vector.

It wasn’t working in matinee before. What matinee did was have a checkbox where you could “use quaternions”, which in practice means using spherical interpolation on a per track basis, with the downside of loosing temporal smoothing.

Going back to the old implementation would be bad, because it was an extremely limiting option. Making a new solution would be the best. If that solution includes: spherical interpolation, allowing for angles outside of the -360 to 360 degrees in a readable manner and giving the option of a custom up vector to the camera actor, that would put sequencer on par with camera tools in any 3D suite.

Please see my other post for details. Thank you.

Sorry for the delay . Will upload the files to you to show you the issues.

Cool, just let me know. Leaving this resolved until you can get them uploaded. Thanks!

i have some bugs too. One of them is very annoying.

Sometimes the Curve in the sequencer gets a jiggle effect in it.
I´ll better describe it with a screenshot:


Please report any bugs in a new Answerhub post.

ok we´ll do, thank you

Here is a workaround I found on the Z axis rotation issue:

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Hi sorry I deleted that thread I found a workaround. If you transform the cine camera inside the user interface of Sequencer it works fine. Its only when you transform the camera using the widget in the viewer when you see the issue.