Construction Script ticking in editor when skeletal mesh is added [REPRO PROJECT]

  1. Set something in construction script, for example add a few meshes with random locations in range.
  2. Add Skeletal Mesh Component.
  3. The blueprint will start ticking the construction script every frame in editor, which can slow down things massively when construction scripts are more complicated. Just look at the thumbnail, it will generate new locations (or whatever is set in construction script) every tick, resulting in chaotic, fast ‘dance’ in the thumbnail. It is present when hovering mouse cursor over content browser.

Here is a simple demo project: DEMO PROJECT

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-31673, to be assessed by the development staff.


I see that the bug is marked as Duplicate, is it correct? I can’t find any link to the original report:

Hi ,

It looks like the note for duplication was not made public, I have adjusted the page to reflect this. The bug report that this duplicated