4.12 teleport difference vs. 4.11

Calling “Teleport (Actor)” with the actor’s current position affects movement in 4.12, which did not affect movement in 4.11

In a new 3rd person project, add this to the outputs of both “Add Movement Input” calls in the Movement Input section of the pawn’s Event Graph:


Since it teleports the pawn to its current location, it shouldn’t affect movement. In 4.11 it doesn’t, but in 4.12, it prevents jumping (the animation happens, which creates a small jumping motion, but if you make the capsule visible, you can see it doesn’t move vertically).

The reason I do this is to force a collision check on the capsule size (Set Capsule Size doesn’t do this, even if “Update Overlaps” is on). It would also be nice if there was a call to just re-check collisions on a pawn, or if increasing the capsule size would do this.

One final note, turning on “Update Overlaps” in Set Capsule Size can create infinite stack recursion, which is not obvious. I don’t know why this happens.

Hey Brian-

I have entered a bug report about the teleport node affecting the capsule / jump animation, UE-31684 , for further investigation.


Anything about AI follow momentarily stopping every Sensing Interval?

Since that issue is unrelated to this one, information regarding your other post will be added there to prevent it from being lost in any further discussion here. We have assigned someone to investigate the post and they should respond to your other question soon.