Enterprise Licence

Hello everyone,

I’m from Germany and I’m working on a visualization project. A company asked me if its possible to make some fancy videos /pictures for their model houses. They can also imagine to have a live tour through a house, so that customers can experience new model houses. So I searched for a pay structure for enterprise projects but I didn’t find a good instruction what I have to do, if I get the order to realize this project. So how does it work? Or is it the same like games? To compare my work loot at ue4arch. The main difference is, that i’m not going to make “general” projects or scenes for many companies. Each project will be unique.

Can anyone help me?


You’re certainly welcome to do this work under the existing EULA. Work-for-hire fees are not subject to royalties, and a non-interactive product is also not subject to royalties. In your case, that should probably cover any concerns about royalties.

An interactive product can have royalties, but only if that product has revenue. If it’s just a visual demonstration to customers and isn’t being sold, then it’s not royalty-bearing.

It seems that the product/visualization that you sell to the company qualifies as work-for-hire (i.e., custom work for one client) so there would no royalties on that transaction. Then if you client does not sell the product to end users, there are no royalties there either.

Okay great! So videos and pictures are no problem. But you said a non-interactive product. As I said the company would be able to use my packed and cocked project to present a house to their customers. And it might be possible to change colors or furniture in this house. For me this sounds interactive.

Is there anything to do if I’m using Unreal under the existing EULA?

Greets ! :slight_smile:

The point is that I would sell this “product” or" visualization" to this company. Or do you mean if the company doesn’t sell this visualization to their customers then it’s not royalty-bearing? I just want to be sure about this :-D.