AI Perception Stimuli - button in editor not working

When I add an AI Perception Stimuli to to any actor and place it in the world and then press the plus-sign on “register as source for senses” it does nothing. I eventually got it working by pressing a lot of random stuff and basically just trying to add/delete/spam random stuff I eventually got it to work for a single AI Perception Stimuli but I can not reproduce it. But the thing is… Why expose it to blueprints/editor when we cannot or are not allowed to use it?



I’ve attempted to reproduce your issue, but I have been unable to do so. The + button is working on my end. I added the AI Perception Stimuli Source component to a character blueprint, selected it, and then moved over to the Details panel and clicked the + and I was able to add multiple elements.

Could you please provide the repro steps that you are following to reproduce this in a clean project?


  • Create a new 4.11 c++ FPS template w/o starter content.
  • Close the project
  • Set it as the startup project (MyProject) in VS and run it (F5).
  • Drag an empty actor (or default pawn) into the scene and add an AI Perception Stimuli to it through “AddComponent” in the topright corner.
  • At this point it should bug already. You cannot add anything to it.

I also tested it on an EditorCube and on the FirstPersonCharacter and same bug there, 100% reproducible. The only thing I can not reproduce is how to get it working 100% of the time :P.

I also tried adding it to the player-blueprint instead but same problem.

I don’t think it should matter, but I also have 4.10 and 4.12 installed but I’m only using 4.11.


I have been able to reproduce the issue following the steps you have provided, and have entered a bug report, UE-31711. Thank you for your report.

In the meantime, it seems to be working as expected when you attempt to add an element inside the blueprint itself rather than on an instance in the level.

Have a great day