4.12 - Scene component relative location and rotation set to zero when reopening level

There seems to be a bug where scene components in a blueprint class don’t keep their relative location and rotation after closing and reopening the level.

Steps to recreate:

  • Create a blueprint class deriving from Actor called Container
  • Create a blueprint class deriving from SceneComponent called ContainerComponent
  • Add a ContainerComponent to the Container blueprint
  • Set the location of the ContainerComponent to something other than (0,0,0), e.g. (100, 100, 100)
  • Place a Container actor in your level
  • Click on the Container, then click on its ContainerComponent in the details panel. Note that the local location is correct, and the component appears in the correct place.
  • Close and save the level
  • Reopen the level and click on the Container object. Note that the ContainerComponent’s local location is now (0,0,0). Also, the editor does not indicate that the value has changed from the default value of (100, 100, 100) - it won’t let you revert to the default value.
  • Open the Container blueprint class and notice that the offset for the ContainerComponent is still correct here.

ChildActors do not seem to suffer from this problem - they are still spawned with the correct transformation; only scene components are effected by this bug.

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-31743, to be assessed by the development staff.

Great, thank you!