Client Replicates to server but not the other way?

Hi there!

I’ve been working on a hobby game now for several months and I though I had the replication figured out, but I am stumped by this one.

I recently attempted to implement a system that would make the player’s head look up and down using a modify bone node in the animation blueprint (To prevent the need for more animation assets). It works totally from the server and the clients views when the client is looking around, however, the server neither replicates the movement, nor does it locally.
I’m using a server replicated event to set both a float that is the pawn’s control rotation, and also to set a rotator variable for use with the modify bone node. I have tried several different layouts and replication methods and I can’t seem to get it working on.

Anyone have any ideas?

I found YouTube video that solved my issue, for anyone interested: - YouTube