World position of a child actor

I have an actor attached to another actor. Calling GetActorLocation on the child returns the relative location to the parent actor. How would I get the world position of the child actor?

Hey !

Use the node called GetWorldLocation.
Cheers! :slight_smile:

The only node for that I found required a component. And even then, if I just used the root component of the actor, it still just gave me the location relative to that parent actor, and not to the world.

As far as I’m aware GetActorLocation returns the location in world space

It seems GetActorLocation doesn’t return world space if the actor is attached to another actor, I ended up recursively going through the parents until the top parent is hit, and then calling GetActorLocation there. Needed it for Deproject to get screen position for mouse.

I’m still trying to get similar results. I have the same problem. I am constantly parenting actors to other actors in my jigsaw puzzle game and I need to compare world space locations for snapping purposes. How did you end up getting around the local space problem?