Camera height in 1st person won't match non VR

Hey, so my vr (oculus) camera is always about 35-40 cm higher than my non vr mode cam. (my htc is even higher!)
i currently fix this issue by testing for “head mounted display” and if true,
i set my scene component that hold my camera in my character to about 37cm lower at begin play.

but i don’t know why this happens. i already tried different setup values in the oculus setup. but it doesnt make a difference
if i set it to ~130 seated height (my game is seated experience) or if i set it to 180 height
can someone explain this to me?

i also found this “head model v2” thingy, but it doesn’t really do anything to my project. even when i put astronomical values into the head model offset.
i believe i don’t understand its proper usage
i think i’m fundamentally missing something out here.

thank you in advance!!

Depending on how you are going to manage your character movement, I would recommend you to implement your custom UCameraComponent for your VR Character, and deal with the camera height values overwriting the ‘GetCameraView’ method. if developing for oculus, you can access to the user profile’s ‘EyeHeight’ via ‘UOculusFunctionLibrary::GetUserProfile’ (in meters). The Position you extract from the HMD device, is relative to that ‘root’ height.

Hope those tips helps.

ah ok thank you, i’m having a 1st person game where later also a character mesh should be part of my PC. so there shouldnt be much of freedom concering the cam height.
also this game should also function without vr and because i don’t want to have 2 seperate chars i try to have all the logic in one. but i don’t think this will be a problem.
so having this component i can make use of my settings inside the hmd device. i will experiment with this. even though i believe this “organic” user driven height of the camera will lead to some problems.
however thank you for that hint DonOstias!!

that said, this was partly answering my question. how to make use of hmd height settings)
but if someone knows, why my cam offset in hmd view is always so much higher compared to the BP settings and non VR view?
please respond. i really like to understand this.

Are you using the fps character template? Or is a custom one?

this whole project derived from the fps char template back in the day, yes