The map specified on the commandline 'map/level1' Could not be found. Exiting -

trying to test, cook and package a single player game give me this warning.


  • Could you please provide your full log from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after this error occurs?
  • Are you able to package a clean, blank project successfully?
  • When exactly is this error occurring?

I’ve also responded to your comment on this post: with updates regarding the bugs you asked about.

Have you attempted to use this workaround that was provided in the accepted answer of the post I linked above? If not, give this a try and let me know if it resolves your issue.

i have packaged the game into a zip folder however it exceedes the limit for file size. how can i send it to you?

basically. i have a menu system set up. when “play” is pressed it should load “level1” however, it does 1 of 2 things. either not do anything atall or closes and tells me in the log that the map specified on the command line could not be found.

yes i tried the link, also every other suggesting related to this subject im afraid and to no prevail.

ill post another comment with screen shots of more testing after this

when i add a space at the end of the “leve1” name in my menu (as follows) i get the crash then this:
this is my menu.

when doing a standalone game i would get “exit error 1”

whilst cooking the game it told me that it couldnt find the level1 map as the path was too long or something like that. whilst trying to re config my game folder so its cleaner but now the sprites and flipbooks for my assets arnt being located however they are still there and still set in my dudebp. how can i send you the project/log.

PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to generate long package name for K:/OneDrive/COLLEGE GAME/final game - Copy/Content/2DSideScrollerBP/2DSideScrollerOverview.1.uasset because FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert ‘K:/OneDrive/COLLEGE GAME/final game - Copy/Content/2DSideScrollerBP/2DSideScrollerOverview.1.uasset’. Attempt result was ‘/G
ame/2DSideScrollerBP/2DSideScrollerOverview.1’, but the path contains illegal characters ‘.’
PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/2DSideScrollerBP/Blueprints/2DSideScrollerGameMode
PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/2DSideScrollerBP/test_1/Maps/Level_1

this was an error i got packaging

You say you are experiencing a crash. Could you please provide your logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after the crash occurs?

Also, are you getting a Crash Reporter window? If so, could you provide your Machine ID from the CR window and ensure to hit Send & Close?

how can i do this. if i add in a spcace in the name of the map where i specify the name of the map (making the name incorrect) i get a crash then funnily enough. when i dont, and i play the level i can see on the right where the world outliner is that the entities are increase everytime i click play. when i cook the game i get a warning that it cant find the level map but thats about it as i said.

what else can i do?


Go to Edit->Project Settings->Maps and Modes and ensure that your map is set to the Default Map.
If you are attempting to Launch to a device instead of packaging, it will only cook the Default Map, so you’ll have to add additional maps to be cooked in your Packaging settings in Project Settings in order for this to work.

Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this issue.

Have a great day

i have done this im afraid. when i play the game in any play mode for example standalone i am only loading the one map when i press play. there is only one map for the game. so youre telling me to make this work i need new levels?

i got a crash for the last load
Warning TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: ‘Invalid URL: /Game/game/level/Gamelevel_1’. Shutting down PIE.

dear ultrask14

after finishing your game, save it. then duplicate the file. this way if all fails you can go back and start again, save and duplicate.

set a day where you can have the hole day with no distractions,

to start go on edit, project setting. make sure you have a simple go at it and report back to me with screen shots please, and ill get you through it

hope you’re well

best wishes

Typically, this relates to trying to travel to a level that doesn’t exist. I’d like to take a closer look at your setup. Could you please zip up your project, upload it to Dropbox, and PM me a link so that I can download it:

sure i shall


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day

Hello Sean Flint,

Can you please have a look at my question: Project crashes when launched - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums .

nope still not resolved was finalizing college work

i am going to upload it tonight. have been working on college project.

Okay, in the meantime I will mark the thread as resolved. When you are able to provide the project, please come back to this thread and post a comment to reopen it and we can continue investigating.

Have a great day
