Blocking Volume Custom Geometry results in walkable floor that is not the shape of the custom geometry

This bug was discovered by a player at the Salt Lake City Gaming Con 2016 who walked up and played (and broke) Ethos for about 1h45m.

Bug is both in-editor and in shipping build. The blocking volume results in a walkable floor that is invisible, does not conform to the shape of the volume, nor the location of the volume.

Sorry, forgot that private != unlisted. There you go.

Hi ,

The linked video is marked private. Can you send an invite to view? If you do not want to post , you can send a link to me in a private message on our Forum.



I have not been able to reproduce this in a blank Third Person Project in UE4.10. It would greatly help us isolate the bug if you could do one or more of the following:

  1. Try to reproduce this in a copy of (do not overwrite original) the project in UE4.12
  2. Migrate just the assets in question (blocking volume and character)
    to a blank Third Person Project in UE4.10 and see if you can reproduce the issue…
  3. …if so, please provide a link to the repro-project to me in a PM on our .
  4. If you can reproduce this in a Blank Third person project using only default assets, please either provide as list of repro steps and/or a link to the project as described in the previous steps.



I have already resolved this in the project just by simply removing the volume. I do not believe that you can reliably recreate this bug without access to the particular shape of the volume, the mesh that the volume was inside of, and the relative offset between the two- not to mention knowing where the false collision would be.

The reason I suspect you need the volume, mesh, and relative positions is that even just moving the volume as shown in the video results in that collision not being there. The collision is not offset by the same amount as the blocking volume. I do not know that the collision is still in-world as the collision could be anywhere in the entire world (except the blocking volume itself it’d seem) or it could have been removed once the collision volume was removed from the mesh.

I will be rolling the map back to a previous version where the bug is still present, then I will migrate the level to a new project and see if I can repro the bug. If I can I will send the project to you- and I will update regardless.

Thanks for the update. Like you mentioned, I suspect the issue is a number of factors combined so if you can send a copy of the project with the bug present, it will be a great help in isolating the issue.

PM Sent with 4.10 reproduction!

Open the project, you should be in the map.
Press play, this will spawn the Third Person Character from the template.
Look left about 90 deg, then move towards that rock wall. You will start running into an invisible wall, but jump. Now you’re on the ramp.

Video above acts as reference- go where I do in the video and you can see it.

Thanks for supplying the project and video. With these assets I was able to reproduce the issue and have entered the following bug report: UE-32122.
When this issue is resolved, we will add a notification to this post.

Will I need to keep the project on dropbox?

No, you can remove it. -Thanks!