The firing animation doesn´t start

Hello comunity,

i am new to game development and UE4 is the first engine that I use. I have some troubles at creating a shooter game using the Third Person Template. Almost everything works fine, but shooting. Either the animation nor the shooting action is working.

Here is my Animation Graph for the ThirdPerson_AnimBP

And here is the Graph for the Weapon state. As you can see, in the debugging mode shooting works fine.

And here is my Anim Graph for the ThirdPerson_AnimBP. Here come the first trouble. While shooting it´s the only reachable component for the engine. So I assume, something here is the bug caused.

And here is my Event Graph for the ThirdPersonCharacter, what actually even doesn´t work fine. I have no Idea why the variable “Is Shooting” won´t set.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards
