Engine init failed when load objects with encrypt pak

Engine init failed when load objects with encrypt pak resource, and unencrypt pak resource is ok
with AES encrypt in unreal engine,
this problem is ok when use The previous version 4.9.2


Could you please explain further what’s happening? Providing full reproduction steps would be extremely useful in recreating the issue you’re seeing.


Hey Wj_Jay,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

Hi ,

I have just had the same issue. I’ve modified the UAT to pass -encrypt through to UnrealPak, defined my AES key, succesfully encrypted the package - unpaking it after removing the AES key and rebuilding UnrealPak yields encrypted files - but when I actually try to run the staged build containing the encrypted .pak, it crashes immediately without logging anything useful.

So I ran the staged executable in Visual Studio and it crashed at AES.cpp:1114 with a write violation exception.

On the other hand, extracting the encrypted .pak with UnrealPak works well, which means there is a problem with load-time decryption.


Please create a new AnswerHub with this information. Please make sure you include the logs, complete reproduction steps and the versions of the engine attempted on.
