Where can I find all metadata specifiers for UPROPERTY()

Hi guys, I searched though the whole documentation and can’t find a topic for all metadata specifiers for UPROPERTY(). There are some useful ones ClampMin, ClampMax, MakeEditWidget. I want to see all of the specifiers to see what might come in handy.

I found a video on YouTube. The guy points out some useful metadata specifiers in it. They aren’t all, but I think maybe the most used ones.
Here is the Video

Just right click on a UPROPERTY enum (eg BlueprintReadWrite) and click go to definition, it takes a while but Visual Studio will open up ObjectBase.h which has all the valid enums that you can provide to all the modifiers ( UCLASS, USTRUCT, UPROPERTY etc) with documentation .

Omg dude, you make me look stupid. I haven’t though about that. Thank you very much.