Dedicated Server error during compilation

When I try to compile Development Server it results in error :

“Non-agnostic games on cooked platforms require a uproject file be specified.”

how do I specify uproejct file? I can’t move on without it…

Hello majercak,

Have you tried following this guide?

I believe the specific part that the link is pointing to is the one that you need at this point, as I believe that error is notifying us that you haven’t made a projectnameServer.Target.cs file as of yet.

I have projectnameServer.Target.cs exactly RozproPopServer.Target.cs and I can’t figure it out what I’m missing cause I allready made dedicated server for this project…

I’m still looking for possible mistake

It seems as though there was another user having this problem previously who managed to fix it by editing his/her Server.Target.cs file. You can find more information here. Maybe comparing the two files he provides can point you in the right direction.