UE4 Crashes when i import a landscape 4.12

As you see in the Question , I’ve downloaded the new version 4.12
And I tried to import a landscape when I hit on the import button UE4 crashes
2 hours ago it was fine .
Thank You .

Having the same problem. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, no clear pattern. Also there is no crash reporter dialog.

Using 4.12.5 here, still having this issue.


  • Could you provide the log from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after the crash occurs?
  • Could you please cause the crash again and provide your Machine ID from the Crash Reporter window (if you are getting a CR window), and ensure to hit Send on the report?
  • Are you able to reproduce this in a clean project?
  • If so, please provide a detailed list of repro steps.

Try the attached heightmap. I changed the scale to x/y/z 200 each. The import progress bar goes from 0 to 100%, then nothing happens for a while, then the editor crashes without any crash window. Relevant part of the log attached.

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Hi everyone,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-33419, to be assessed by the development staff. Unfortunately, it appears this bug is a bit difficult to reproduce on our end and has been fairly inconsistent. If you have any specific reproduction steps that would help us to consistently reproduce this error, please post them here and I’ll be happy to test them and update the bug report as appropriate.