Transform (modify) bone - root bone - capsule does not follow

Root motion is extracted from animation then applied to the character’s capsule. Moving the root bone isn’t going to provide any animation to extract, it’s not simply taking the translation of the root bone.

You will need to move your character by other means.


if I understand it correctly then root motion on the animation is what drives the capsuel component of the character.

I do some IK offsets to my climbing animations in AnimBP to make them fit to dynamic heights of objects to climb. The climbing animations use root motion. In order to offset the root bone I use a Transform (Modify) Bone node in my AnimBP. This basically works, the root bone gets the offset. But the capsule does not follow along… meaning: Even though the animation drives the capsule the capsule does not get the offset apply by the Transform (Modify) Bone node.

Is this by design or is this a bug?


Thanks for the fast reply. That clarifies things.