Change animation blend space when walking into trigger?

Hello, hello! I was wondering if there was a way to change the animation blend space thing when you step into a trigger box. Uhm, let me try to explain what I am trying to accomplish here… I have this character. He can walk, run and stand still/be idle. Now, I have this lava floor. I have made 3 animations that are different from the normal ones. He will walk slower and maybe in a more humorous way, when stepping on the lava.

I would like to know if there was a way to make it so he would change whenever he stepped into it and out of it?

Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

i would use state machines, if you set bool variables in the character bp for when the character is entering the trigger, you can access those through the animation bp and make it into a state, from here you can make a state for your character to blend to. You could further elaborate on this using different variables for the trigger so you could make different states for different.

Oh, that sounds good! I will try that! Thank you very much! Can I ask you again if I can’t figure it out? ^_^’

ofcourse :smiley: happy to help!

Yay! Thank you! :slight_smile: I am pretty stupid. And stuck, as well. xD

I am sorry for the trouble. :slight_smile:

Please, dont call yourself stupid, im glad to help :).

Okay, i can sort of understand what you did there, i have to tell you that i am not an expert on the subject but i think i know a way of getting to the point where you wanna be?
If you leave youre locomotion directly connected to the final pose like so:

Then open up the locomotion by dubbel clicking on it you should have something similar to this, if you followed the tutorials on character setup from epics website (ignore the ai_slowmotion):

and inside of it you have set the boolean variables for blending to the different states (e.g for the jump start, the characters “in air” variable has to be true)

If you would create a new state in the locomotion state machine (because this all has to do with how the character is moving, hence “Locomotion”), it would maybe make it a bit easier to follow whats happening. Like so:

Inside your new “onlava” state you set the animation asset you want to use for the funny walk, then inside the transition rules you use the booleans you created to allow the character to blend in and out of this state, like so for the transition to the onlava state:

and for going back to the idle_walk_riun state, simply use the NOT boolean like so:

I hope this will help you to get a bit further with your state machines :D. again im not an expert but i think this should give you the result you want.
oh and by the way, dont forget to also add an end overlap event to the level bp to set the boolean back to false, otherwise yo will not blend back to the original state.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Woah! Thank you! You are awesome! :smiley: :slight_smile: Thank you for taking you time to make this! I am really happy!

Yay! It worked! Thanks a ton! :slight_smile:

Aweome! :smiley: happy to hear that! If you want send me a pic of how it looks :slight_smile: im interested in the iceman. Glad i could help :slight_smile: