ERROR: .cpp not including any headers

EXEC : error : Source file “K:\PropHuntWorkSpace\Projects\PropHunt\Source\PropHunt\Private\UI\SPHLoadingScreen.cpp” is not including any headers. We expect all modules to include a header file for precompiled header generation. Please add an include statement.

Recently started getting this error.

The class in question has been sitting around and compiling fine for a while now, its the default SCompoundWidget the editor drops in when you make a new asset.


// Copyright © 2016 Rapax Softworks, ULC. All rights reserved.

#pragma once

#include "Widgets/SCompoundWidget.h"

class PROPHUNT_API SPHLoadingScreen : public SCompoundWidget

	/** Constructs this widget with InArgs */
	void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);


// Copyright © 2016 Rapax Softworks, ULC. All rights reserved.

#include "PropHunt.h"
#include "SPHLoadingScreen.h"
#include "SlateOptMacros.h"

void SPHLoadingScreen::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
		// Populate the widget

As you can see i havent modified it at all and its whinging about there being no #includes. Which i cant fathom since i havent touched the class and its been compiling fine in the past no problems.

FYI the only thing i can think of that may have any bearing on this is that i did commit this Build to Perforce recently, could it be a write permissions problem?

Has anyone come across this before? I cannot figure it out, ive tried everything.

I have rectified the issue, i deleted and remade the class in question and that fixed it, which made me think that it could have possibly been related to incorrect Line Endings.

I recommend copy pasting the code into an copy of a working class and renaming the files accordingly (which is what i did basically).