How do I change bounciness of my mesh?

Hello, i’m trying to make a ball with physics that bounce like a tennis ball, but whatever values i set, it only bounces once or twice as if it’s super heavy.

I would expect ball to not stop bouncing when i set Mass Scale, Angular Damping and Linear Damping on 0.

What’s going on?


Hey Rens2Sea,

Take a look at Material assigned to your ball’s Mesh. In Details panel, you can set a Physical Material for that Material. To create your own custom Phys Material to use here, right click in your Content Browser (or click New) and choose Physics > Physical Material.

Open up Phys Material, and you’ll see settings for Friction, Restitution, and Density. If you set your Restitution higher, you’ll get more bounce from Actors with this Phys Material assigned. Try 1.75 to start with and adjust from there based on your mesh’s settings.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you run into more questions with this.


Thanks, didn’t know that was possible. I created a physical material as you said and added it to sphere component but that didn’t do much. So i added it to staticmesh, but that didn’t do anything either. Figured it was because sphere component has physics on it, so i got rid of that and enabled physics on staticmesh but now ball falls through ground.

Edit: Fixed it, staticmesh didn’t have a collision mesh, does now, bounces all over place! great! But now ball never stops rolling.

Glad you got it working!

For continuous rolling problem, check this post here:

Increase angular dampening to stop rolling