IsValid in anim blueprint shows flase why?

I’m having trouble with my AnimBlueprint event graph. I can’t get passed IsValid? even though from a gameplay perspective it does because the animations work from running to jumping. The problem is then when it reaches Cast to MyCharacter it outputs cast failed. Is there something I’m missing.

Thank you. Any idea on the other issue of the Casting to MyCharacter failing.

If I understand the problem correctly, IsValid will always fail when in Persona and not PIE. I remember reading that in one of the Ctrl+alt descriptions.

I think its the same as IsValid. The error I think is coming from bad maths on my part.

I can hazard a guess, though I haven’t seen a Try Get Pawn Owner node, but if it doesn’t return a type that is cast-able to MyCharacter, then I can see that being the problem.

Since you are in a derived class from MyCharacter (I surmise), could you not then cast ‘reference to self’ to MyCharacter?

I think its the same as IsValid. The error I think is coming from bad maths on my part.

Yes, as Grogger mentioned, it fails on preview of Persona, but it won’t fail in game. The reason it fails in Persona is because we don’t create Pawn in preview window, so there is no Pawn(thus cast fails).



Thank you, I had thought the blueprint wasn’t working, what really wasn’t working was how I was calculating the angle. A silly little error in the maths.