Resolution and rendering problems on Android (2D game).


Something strange is happening on android builds of my game. When I install and run the game on a device with Full HD screen, game somehow automatically uses some low resolution (something like 640x480, or even smaller). As a result, picture quality becomes too low, while UI elements become too large and start intersect each other. Rendering also works strangely - every picture is unnaturally sharp if it uses default filter and slightly blurred if it uses nearest filter.

I never experienced anything like that on UE 4.10.4 and lower. Any suggestions on how to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Hello again.

So, after the countless experiments and a sleepless night I finally found what exactly caused the problem. It was ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt. I’m not sure what exactly is wrong in the current variant of this file, but after I removed it assembled build worked just perfectly. Now I have to understand what exactly is wrong in the override, because I definitly can’t release game with default one, as it will scare out half of potential users.