Function replication issue with Player State

I have set up a project with both C++ and BP. I have made a C++ class for: Player State, GameMode, HUD, Controller, Character, Game State. I have Made BP children of the above and that’s what I will be displaying. I have set up the Editor and BP GameMode to use the BP Children and not the C++.

The issue comes in when I try to use ‘Run on Owning Client’.

I have this Code in the controller class:

This Code in the Actor Class, this actor has a BOX mesh, and the Box Mesh has a Box Collision:

What happens is two things: One, for some reason, If I am running multiple clients with the option ‘Dedicated Server’ checked, Client 1 spawns under the map with no Mesh and only a camera, while the rest spawn above. If I have it UNchecked, the clients and server all spawn above the map like normal. But the Server doesn’t have a controller.

If Dedicated server is unchecked: If ANY of the clients hit the box, it will continue to say false EXCEPT for the server, which is true. Even if the Server never touched it.

If Dedicated server is checked: : If ANY of the clients hit the box, it will continue to say false EXCEPT for the Client ONE which appears under the map.