Joystick Rotation and Control

I am working on a project and having difficulty figuring out how to implement what should be a simple functionality into controlling the player (an arcade style tank, static mesh).

The sample projects have good examples on getting the player character to face the direction that the joystick is pointing (or pressed) and also move in that direction as a forward motion.

What I want to implement into my project is a slower rotation that depends on the direction of the joystick. The examples rotate the character to face that direction instantly. That is my problem. I want the player to rotate at a set rate towards the direction that the joystick is oriented.

Example: If the player character is facing right and the joystick is moved to the left, I want the player character to take some time to rotate to facing left (about 2 seconds or so).

I also want the player character to move forward in local coordinates instead of world coordinates based on the distance from the resting position that the joystick is oriented. Direction shouldn’t matter as they will be turning as they move as well anyway.

Is this possible with blueprints specifically?