Using SoundCue in actor class?

I would like to access a SoundCue in one of my actor classes. I have an Actor class which contains a UAudioComponent member. The AudioComponent member is assigned a SoundCue class using AudioComponent::SetSound(). I set which SoundCue to use from the UE4 editor. THe AudioComponent member is then exposed through a blueprint method. I call Play() on it from my Blueprint. Only problem is I get no sound. Maybe it’s my BluePrint? Or is this doomed to fail from the onset?!

My Actor header contains the following:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Sound")
USoundCue* SoundCue;

UAudioComponent* audioComponent;

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Sound")
UAudioComponent* getAudioComponent()
	audioComponent->Sound = SoundCue;
	return audioComponent;

I’ve checked the validity of the AudioComponent, and the SoundCue, and they are both valid. Any ideas?

I guess I can just call UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D or something like that. I thought it might be better to expose the AudioComponent but perhaps this is cleaner.

how did u create audio component ?

Using NewObject<>().