Camera rotation following camera rig rail spline

Hey everyone,
I’m trying to record a camera sequence using sequencer, and am working with the camera rig rail system. How do I set this up so the camera points in the direction of the spline? So, for example I have a roller coaster spline, and as the spline starts arcing downwards, the camera smoothly rotates towards the downward direction in sync with the spline.

Thanks everyone!

Running into this same problem. I think this rail may have been created with the assumption that It’d always be driving a “CineCamera” with the “Look at Tracking” functionality.

Best alternative might just be to animate an object with sequencer/keyframes and attach pawn to that.

I just duplicated my camera rail and put my camera target (empty actor) into the duplicated rail, offset the location of it to X100 Y-10 and it works. Just animate both along the rails with the same timing on a sequencer and works because of the offset.