Following Rama's tutorial about Unreal instances socket communication

I am trying to follow this tutorial : A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
I am stuck on Custom Data section. I cannot really understand where i should write this code. Should i add a variable somewhere of AnyCustomDataType ? Should it be a “sender” or “receiver” actor ? Sorry maybe question is too simple , but i am really interested in implementing this. Maybe there is a compiled example project with this , so i can dig it ?
Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your reply,
that was one of the ideas came to my head, though i cannot see anywhere this file would be included. It should be like that ?

You’ll just want to create a new C++ file called AnyCustomData. The code you see at the link will be in the *.h file. Nothing will be in the source *.cpp file. Elsewhere, you’ll include AnyCustomData as usual.

Ah got it ! Thanks a lot for explaining !

He’s just not explicitly including it, but he still uses it. You can search and find him using it in ARamaUDPSender (perform a browser search to highlight where he uses it). It would be a bit cleaner if he had included it. You can thank the build process for the confusion. :slight_smile:

Can you also please explain one more thing. On build VS throws error that could not find “Networking.h” , when i try to include it in new BluePrint Sender actor. Though i included it in Build.cs :

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "Sockets", "Networking" });

Why it cannot find it ?
Thanks again !

Looks like the editor being goofy. I’d try restarting the editor, performing a clean build, removing ‘sockets’/‘networking’ – rebuilding – and then adding them back, adjust the ordering & put 'Networking" first, or try including the path 'Runtime/Networking/Public/Networking.h".

Funky! May want to restart visual studio. Perhaps even give that machine a reboot.

Ah, i was searching for about an hour why it does not get the FString type !
I though it may be related somehow to configuration of Visual Studio ? It is always “Parsing Files in Solution” , it’s about 14k files and it always starts from beginning !

Figured out how to correct that missing Networking , i’ve added manually paths to all the headers needed in this project to the VS paths in project settings.
Thanks for your help, mcgraw, but i’ve encountered even more errors (179) and i made a topic on forum asking someone to help me to build this tutorial , to understand what i am doing wrong… Here is link to forum topic