Stupid easy question that I can't answer

If it’s needing to meet a condition (i.e. a the right integer value being met) you’ll just need to set it up to where your integer count adds 1 or whatever amount when an action is performed, then have a branch node with a condition pulled from an equal(integer) node with the desired integer value in one receiving pin and your integer variable in the other pin. Pull off of the “true” pin on the branch node and have it call your trash-clearing event, leave the false pin unconnected so it doesn’t do anything until the condition is met :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hi all,

Like the title says, this is probably really easy for people to answer but I can’t find the solution anywhere.

My game is set up so once all of the trash is cleared from a tropical lagoon the game should complete (it’s a tutorial demo)

I know it’s something to do with integers and each one adding 1 to the total, in this case 15. Then once the total’s reached the game will end.

I just don’t know how to blueprint that, could anyone help or link me a tutorial they’ve used to do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:

So far I have these two blueprints, on the ‘bottle’ trash and FirstPersonCharacter

I’m guessing the last Blueprint should be in the Level Blueprint?

If so do I need to;

CastToFirstPersonCharacter > Check if Trash is equal to 15 > Branch > False: Leave Empty > True: End level?

Still getting the hang of Blueprinting :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help so far!

Correct, the only thing that you’ll need to change is in the bottle bp, I can’t remember what it’s called specifically (away from my dev PC at the moment) but basically there should be two versions of the Call Cleanup node, you’ll want the one that has what looks like a little envelope on it.

I don’t see the Cleanup event node with an envelope. If I search for it I can only find that one ^^ :frowning:

Also, is this right for the Level Blueprint?
I have it so it picks up now, and registers that each one adds 1.

the little envelope symbol shows up on message calls to interface functions. so CleanUp would need to be part of a Blueprint Interface, which the actor can implement in its class settings.

To be honest, I feel like an idiot here.

I’ve specialised in 3D art for my degree but I have to make a game demo for one of my modules, something I know next to nothing about.
My demo is;

  • pick up 5 bottles
  • pick up 5 tires
  • pick up 5 barrels
  • game over

I know it should be easy to blueprint but none of it is making sense to me. I learn best from following examples or video tutorials.
I have a lot of respect for you guys being the brains behind the scenes, making the game work. I just wish my head would work like yours does so I could figure this out :confused: