Why does player state reference break when opening a project?

I’ve run into a situation with a custom player state. I’ve created a new player state child class and assigned it to the custom game mode. This player state has an enumeration variable in it. Various actors in my game reference this player state enumeration variable so they can do various things on a switch based on said enum. However, every time i open my project, the link from the player state reference to the target input pin of the enum is broken, and thus gives me a compile error when trying to run the game. When i go into the actors that make a reference to this node, and reconnect the pins, the compile works fine, and the game works fine. So why would the editor break this pin on exit or load? any advice in the matter is appreciated.

this can be closed. turns out it was related to the struct issue that corrupts a project when a struct is changed after it’s been implemented into blueprints. even though the project was compiling, the structs were still corrupt. after deleting the struct and all references to it, the nodes in question were fine.