NaviMesh on random generated level

I have a random generated level, i have a NavMeshBoundsVolume within this level, but it doesn’t generate AI navigation system. I did set project settings to dynamic runtime generation, so what am i forgetting ?

Ok, so i noticed when i spawn a mesh it’s mobility is set to static, how should i change it to movable at a construction script? any ideas?
Or may be not, it is spawned as movable but it still doesn’t move

found an answer here: Simple move to doesn't work with spawned actors - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums ,

So if anyone is using randomized level creation and runs into a problem where your spawned AI doesn’t move , you should spawn SpawnAIfromClass insted of SpawnActor, wich will spawn a pawn, that will move. In my case was difficult to change SpawnActor, so i just created an New actor that spawns a Pawn inside it.
Hope This will help anyone…