Debris not despawning despit correct settings. (95% Sure)

I’ve tried a bunch of different combinations of settings as well as looking at multiple questions that have been posted about this topic. As far as I can tell based on the unreal documentation and the questions I’ve viewed I have all the required setting ticked to make debris disappear.

Anyone who can fix my problem will get my sincerest gratitude.


Ok so your current settings for destructible meshes are not correct if you want chunks to disappear. You have “Enable Debris” checked, and you will need that checked. However, you will also need to have “Debris Timeout” checked within “Flags.” Lastly, you need to set “Debris Depth” to 1. You need to do this because your chunks are part of hierarchy 1 and the chunks are what you want to disappear. You can see what the chunks look like at various depths by using the “Preview Depth” dropdown box. By using “Debris Lifetime Min” and “Debris Lifetime Max” to control how long it takes for chunks to disappear. Hopefully this helps anyone else having this problem.