How to assign sequencer to second player in splitscreen?


I am trying to make a master sequence affect only the second player on a split-screen setup. Currently, whenever I play, the sequence cameras will posess the first player only, and I dont see any options either in editor or in blueprints to make the cameras take over a different player. How can I do it?

Thank you.

Have you found a solution to this?

I kind of did. It is not working completely as I expected but it is an acceptable workaround.

Essentially, if I place a camera track, the first player’s screen will be hijacked by the sequencer camera, but the second player will always be left alone, and that seems to be the way the camera track works.

The solution is to not have a camera track, but to animate the position of the desired and currently possesed player pawn (or it’s camera component) as it is was the camera you were wanting to move. When the sequence plays, the keyframed transforms will override the previous transforms of your pawn, so the view of any of the two players can be animated and correctly displayed. Since you can posses any actor in the viewport as if it was a camera, it is actually very similar to a normal sequencer workflow too.

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you might want to have your player temporarily posses a barebones pawn that has only a camera and reacts to no input, right before the sequence starts playing. That way, you are not messing with your probably way more complex player pawn just for a workaround on an animated camera. Then, on the sequence’s end, you posses your original pawn back.

If you need camera cuts, you can use a subscenes track on a master sequence instead. If you need to render it out, just double the height resolution of your output and proceed as you would usually do.

Also, I like this technique because I found a couple of interesting use cases where it was really practical. One was for a project where I needed to render the two eyes of a 3D anaglyph separately, but I wanted to render them both at the same time as to not have inconsistencies between both eyes on particles and shaders that were random. I was able to render it this way (one pawn for each eye). In another instance, I wanted to render a stencil pass but did not want to use the normal multi-pass render because all of the passes come out horribly aliased (because at the time they are taken, I believe, post-processing has not been applied). With this workaround and some post process materials for the camera, I was able to have a synced, antialiased stencil mask in a single pass.

Sadly, I also found that there are visual artifacts when using split screen that I was not expecting to exist (such as shadows displaying only for one player but not for the other, and some post-process effects).

@Diego_Visualma Hey, thanks for your sharing. May I ask for a more detailed tutorial on rendering multi-view cameras? Mainly about how to config the Sequencer?

And is it only possible to render multi-view cameras in the old render tool? Can I do it in Movie Render Queue?