Some beginner questions, Projectiles/Movement

Hey, I’m new to UE4 and I have some questions.

  1. I used the demo project for FPS and use the gun to spawn balls as projectiles. I can hit boxes, which are affected by the projectiles… took me a while. But when I shoot a ball against an allready spawned ball, they both get some insane acceleration and fly of the map…This can also happen with the boxes, when a ball gets reflected and hits an incomming ball and bounces back to the box at insane speed. I just want a realistic collsion of my projectile with each other.
  2. I have projectile collsion with the player so they bounce off me. How can I make them move the player
  3. I am able to stand on the projectiles. But when they have a spin, the player is rotating too. How can I lock the players viewing direction.
  4. Most complicated, I want to player to become frictionless and keep its momentum, while not being glued to the ground, on button press… This is something I don’t even know how to start with, everything I tried resulted in very strange things like the player model falling off from the capsule :smiley:

If someone could give me some hints into the right direction, that would be awesome