Fbx meshes in 4.12.2 different imported than in 4.11.x

I have a question
I found that combined fbx meshes in 4.12.2 now imported with reset transforms

see my screenshot http://wstaw.org/m/2016/06/21/plasma-desktopZQ4882.png

(theres is all meshes was exported as one static fbx)

In 4.11 after import i get same scene position, now i’m very sad.

This is not useful, may be only for me?

I use blender with this fbx export parameters

unreal_static.py https://bpaste.net/show/68dae0b478af

upd: with applyed transforms before exported from blender it is that http://wstaw.org/m/2016/06/21/plasma-desktopmp4882.png , but this is not useful