Automatic animation and Skeletal LODs

Me and my team are currently working on a big scaled exterior scene in Unreal Engine 4.12.
We are planning on adding more than about 100 animated characters into this scene.
We have currently been able to add all the skeletal meshes, with different mesh LODs into the scene.

So my question is really just this: Is there, in any way possible to make automatic skeletal or animation LODs in this engine?
So for example for skeletal LODs: Remove different joints depending on the distance between the camera and skeleton.
And for example for animation LODs: Remove keys from the animation to make it less detailed and heavy to render.

Thank you!

There’s an absolute lack of information on this, so I decided to go to all the posts about it and give at least some kind of answer.

On the Skeletal Mesh component in your Character Blueprint (or whatever blueprint has a skeletal mesh) there is, ALL the way at the bottom, under “Optimization” a checkbox called “Enable Update Rate Optimization.”

This would be the keyframe LOD you are looking for. I assume this works, but I only just found it.

How do you adjust the values of it? No idea.

Hope that helps!

Hey guys. Could you show a screenshot where this option is located? UE 4.14


On any Skeletal Mesh component.
