Get AccessViolation excpetion using Lambda and Timer

I got this exception


when this line executes Cast(()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()); inside ScoreNormal() which is added in Lambda. All of this is inside Actor
This pawn is 100% exist.
The problem is that it happens randomly. I mean not each time this line fires.

I’ve tried checking it with IsValid(), verify() macro and still got this exception.

Also, my timer has 10 seconds delay.

The way I made Lambda and timer


	if (()->GetTimerManager().IsTimerActive(ManagerRef->ScoreHandleToStop))

	()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, TimerDelegate, ScoreBonusDuration, false);
	ManagerRef->ScoreHandleToStop = TimerHandle;

What am i doing wrong?
PS I forgot to mention that I also destroy this actor after i call SetTimer

here do you got ()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()?

You meant Where?)
Inside ScoreNormal() which is added in Lambda.
All of this is inside Actor