Become a Game development

Hi guys. I’m Ernesto a 22 years old guy that has the dream to build his own game form the day he starts to play his first game ever.

Honestly, i really want enter in the games development area, become part of a development team, to create something special, for me, for the people and why not if i’m lucky for the world. I’m writing here because i think that Unreal Engine is one of the best Game Engine around right now, and the community seems to be really helpful. What i’m asking isn’t easy to answer i know, even because a lot of answers or opinions can be subjective, but i’ll still happy to read them.

  1. What kind of university path i should get? Computer Science or Game Development? Some people have bad opinion about last one, they claim that is an incomplete path.
  2. I’m really bad with math, geometry and number basically. All i can say by my little experience is that coding is all about that. What do you think? Do i need to be a good mathematician to program a game?
  3. Is it worth? Is there a future in this area? Can i undertake this path with the awareness of a future?

Thank you in advance for the answers guys.

  1. Depends on what you want to do in games, programming and graphical art are kind of incompatible on base level, knowing basics of programing don’t make you artist and vice versa. There is game devlopment direction in universities but not sure how good they are. think what is your current skill and aim for what you can do best in game development, if you clearly got talent for something go for that, there lot of people who have individual skills and they search for other people with diffrent skill and thats how indie teams form ;]
  2. No, but it’s very very useful that have math skill specially in geometry when you need to compute for example where something is related to something. Most basic skill needed in programming is logical thinking, you will do more algorithms then math in programming ((in X is 1 and Y is 2 do that and that, if it’s something else do that). Also patience, you don’t make a good game in one day
  3. Art markets (where games are in) overall are risky to jump in to, there in no ensurement of employment and lot of indies are freelancers where there unstable income and you never know what future will bring, you not always will work on what you want to work, but on other hand it brings a lot more satisfaction when you achieve something. If you young and during education you don’t need to care about money much, you got some free time, don’t let it to waste sitting idle, try to do some side project, try building your portfolio, it will reward you in in future.

Thank you, i have now a vision more wide about it. I like the last sentence: don’t let it to waste sitting idle, try to do some side project, try building your portfolio, it will reward you in in future.
I need to do something!