Widget disables/interferes overlap effects for actors

I have 2 separated things. The first is a cube(actor), that has a On Begin Cursor Over event (print string hello), and the second is a widget blueprint in the middle of the screen.
If i create the widget on the hud, the event On Begin Cursor Over in the cube actor stops working. Its like the widget is on top of the actor and i cant see the actor wich is behind, but the widget is collapsed in visibillity. If i dont create the widget, the overlap effect works just fine.

Did you set/configure a “Set Input Mode Game and UI” node? Can you post some blueprint screenshots?

Fixed it, the widget had wrong visibility settings.

I have seen several issue like this and I confirm that you are right; the problem is whatever widget set visible after the relevant actors. so the solution is to use the “set visibility” blueprit taking care to set also the “In Visibilty” param. to “self hit test invisible”