[Request] Character Class Root Change

Hail to you!

I ran into a problem where I would like to use a Character based class for my pawn, but the model is bulky and to change the capsule radius to sufficient value, I have to raise it’s height, which will cause my character to be collision wise twice as tall as it really should be, thus it can’t fit through the doors that were made for it.

I can make the doors taller of course, but since the character is bigger than normal humans already, it would obviously look weird to have doors sized after even bigger people…

I could surely make a new pawn if nothing else but it feels weird to have a fully fleshed out class especially for characters and i can’t use it because the capsule component can’t be sized properly.

I would be fine if the root component could be switched out for a box (an option somewhere?) but since that might change your premade codes’ efficiency it might be even better to change the capsule component’s transformations.
As of now, the component can be scaled but when you do that it behaves like the radius/height values were changed, thus it’s useless.

If we could (non-uniform) scale the capsule component, we could deform it so it would fit any character.

Kokuyouseki, you don’t have to rely only on the default capsule for character collision. You can add your own additional collision shapes to the character to supplement the basic collision capsule and create an overall collision shape that more closely matches the shape of your character. This should not negatively impact performance as long as you limit yourself to the basic collision shapes of “box”, “sphere”, and “capsule”.

For your case, you might add a BoxCollision component and size it to represent your character’s width. By default, the collision type for this component will default to “OverlapAllDynamic”. But that’s not what you want! Be sure to change it to “Pawn”.

That was my first idea too, but sadly even though I added a collision box, set collision to block all, it has achieved nothing.
Tried to handle world static/dynamic collision manually with overlap all (so I would block movement to that direction), but hit detection did not work whatsoever that time either - except the actor’s own components. Tried with world static/dynamic custom collision but to no avail.

I checked here for info and all I could find was that it didn’t work properly this way and I’m better off making a new one.

Set Character Collision to Mesh - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums mentioned turning geometry to static mesh but for me, not even static meshes triggered the hit event. And they did not block movement unless they hit the capsule itself.

EDIT - Forgot to mention, I did try to set it to pawn too. No effect. I must be doing something wrong (or not doing something?)…

Ah. I have confirmed that my solution does NOT work the way you expect. Adding the BoxCollision as I describe allows the character to push/bump moveable objects around with the extended collision shape, but it does not appear to affect character movement blocking when the collision hits a static object.

No worries, I made good progress with my own pawn and it’s movement component, but I will keep hoping for said change, if nothing else, because the way it currently is, the capsule component’s uses seem extremely limited for me not just in character movement, but altogether.