Create a blueprint from an UObject C++

I wish to create an extension of a C++ class of mine. However, it seems I’m only able to extend from classes that extend from AActor (confusing, ain’t it?). Classes that extend from UObject, UActorComponent, or anything else is unavailable when I try to make a blueprint extend from another class. Is there a way (such as an option I’m missing and can’t find in the UCLASS() macro) to make this work, or is this a mad-man’s dream?

have u added UCLASS(Blueprintable) ?


Okay, that did the trick. Thank you!

“Blueprintable” makes class extable in bluepint, its inherent and AActor have set it on, some actor classes like AInfo, have NotBlueprintable which cancel that and you need to place Blueprintable if you extend such class.

You might also need to add “BlueprintType”