I want to make a blueprint for this particular spawning sequence.


Hello guys!
As the title said, I want to create a blueprint that spawns an actor in the way the gif shows.
I,ve setup all the elements already, the trigger boxes shown, the spline, the actors, etc.

Here´s what I´m trying to do: Once an actor following a spline exits the “spawning” volume, I want an instance of that same actor to follow closely the first one until it reaches the end of the spline, where it´s destroyed by another trigger volume and the cycle repeating forever to make it look as just one continous line of actors. Yes…it´s and endless runner of sorts. Yes…I need the tracks to be moving instead of the player for a lot of reasons, and yes, I saw the epic tutorial on endless runner, but for the same reasons it doesn´t work for my game.

However, I´m having trouble with this: I have no idea how to reference a newly spawned actor to make it “move” on it´s own. I currently have just one “set actor location” node for the first spawned actor, and since it is an infinite loop, I can´t just have infinite amount of nodes.

So, any ideas out there?

Thank you guys