Failed to open descriptor file

Is there a tutorial for how to build and launch a game on the mac from the editor? I ask because
I have loaded up the example 3rd person blueprint project in the editor and when I click on the launch button
and select my mac as the MacNoEditor device, it build fine but then when it goes to run I get this message:-
Failed to open descriptor file ‘…/…/…/test2/test2.uproject’

What am I doing wrong?

Hey -

Steps you’re taking should work, is this the Blueprint or the Code version of the Third Person Template?

2 main ways to Build/Cook/Package for Mac from Editor

Selecting Launch > Your Mac
This will build/cook/package/Launch your current Map

Selecting File > Package > Mac (select location you want the app to be placed)
This will build/cook/package all of your projects maps and content
You can then double click the app like you would any other.

If you could attach your logs please, would possible help us see what’s going on :slight_smile:
You’ll be able to find them here
/Users/UserName/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/test2Editor/

link text
It was the 3rd person blueprint demo with a few additions. I’ve had to strip the log of some of the cooking textures stuff to make it fit in the size limit allowed.
Both the 2 methods you suggest to package it fail.

this is one of many errors i am getting from my project.

@Nick and @jester,
did u guys find any fix for that error?

Not sure if this is the sure fix for this, but if you have multiple editors open (this happens a lot on OSX because it won’t close an open editor when opening a new project) you will get this error. Make sure all projects are closed before trying to open something else and the problem should go away. This worked for me.

Same problem here: Windows 32 Bit Build (64 Bit was grayed out for some reason) doesn’t run (shipping configuration). When opening PROJECTNAME.EXE:

"Failed to open descriptor file ‘…/…/…/PROJECTNAME/PROJECTNAME.uproject’.