From UE4 output in Excel

We need to export information from UE4 in Excel. How this can be done using BP?

The only thing I know that can output to excel is C# Interop.Excel, usually always accessible as default .NET library. So it you want to use it you need to create .dll, then add it to engine as third-party library and somehow use it’s methods in C++, so you can make static blueprint function library, that can use this .dll. The most problem is that I’am not sure that managed code (C#) is somehow compatible with unmanaged (C++).

Would it be acceptable to output a simple comma separated values (CSV) file which could then be opened in Excel?

The file may be any format. But it must opens Excel. (Data tables) And to make certain information on the game.

Needhelping, since it sounds like writing out a CSV file suits your needs just do a search for “write text file from Unreal”. You’ll find lots of coverage of the topic.