Spawning multiple actors in radius

I need to spawn 4 actors simultaneously and close to each other (like minions in dota/lol/etc)
Would’ve been very thankful for helping me

Since you ask this I am assuming that you are using Blueprints.

  1. Radius: I am assuming you can get 4 vector in a radius with given origin.
  2. Spawning: Get 4 distant vector and spawn them with (“spawn actor with class”) parameter of collision handling (“Try to adjust location, but always spawn” etc.).

If your question was something more specific, then be more specific.



Thanks, this helped a lot!

For AI like minions there is Spawn In Navigable Radius.

It finds a point nearby that is path-able and on the Navigation Mesh.
We use this to spawn bots so they aren’t ever stuck in some wall or off the nav grid.

Also in the create actor node set Collision Handling Override to always spawn but move around a little to find a place that is clear.

ehm, kind of not very smart question, but where do i make this logic? i mean, i watched MOBA AI tutorial from official unreal engine youtube channel, and those guys were making it in gamemode blueprint, but as i understood u can only have one gamemode per level, while i will also need another gamemode for whole another type of bots in my game on the same level, do i make this inside of my character blueprint?

If you have several levels with different spawns you put the logic in the Level Blueprint.
If it is more generic you put it in GameMode.
You might have several methods for various types of bots/loot/other things.