Moire Effects - Why do EPIC don´t enhance their render engine?

till the past two years I get always in trouble with moire effects. But today, 2016, this problem is still there. I cannot understand why EPIC don´t try to fix this well known problem. Especially for Archviz or other high-end animations this render problems are very annoying. I notice this also in the McLaren Demo. No customer wants to see this problems in a final product.

Using normal maps to avoid moires is not a very good solution. Moires appear also with this workaround. It is a common problem in the Unreal Render Engine.

I have no problem with a post process filter which avoids moires and divides the frame rate. But there is still no solution available. And this is very disappointing.

Best regards, Andreas

Maxwell, what anti-aliasing method are you using? Also, have you tried adding a post processing volume and setting “Screen Percentage” to a number higher than 100 to achieve supersampling?

I am using always temporal antialiasing. FXAA is not good enough. For this reason it is no solution for me. This moire artefacts always appear in conjunction with geometries which have parallel lines. In normal 3D programs you have a special pass which corrects this problem. Unfortunately EPIC has still no usefull solution for this problem.

Supersampling don´t help.

Have you tried the “Screen Percentage” suggestion I mentioned?

Yes, it don’t help.

Your textures must be in size that is power of 2 - like 256x256, 1024x1024 and so on - if they are not - mip maps do not work and thus the moire.