Moving Camera to Actor and back to Player issues

Hi, I’m pretty new to blueprinting and i’m having a little difficulty working out the kinks in this project.
I’m trying to set up a system in which an actor is spawned on a surface and the player’s camera moves to focus on it, then once a button is pressed the camera moves back to the original position. I am using “Set View Target with Blend” for this, and it functions but isn’t seamless. At the moment the camera jumps before moving smoothly to the actor, and when it returns to the player it is much lower down with the arms of the character are no longer being visible.

I think this is because the View Target is moving back to the centre of the CapsuleComponent in the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint. If I use GetPlayerCameraManager as the new view target when it returns to the player then the camera returns to the correct height, but the characters arms are still not visible and the project seems to freeze up shortly afterwards.
Is there any way to specify the FirstPersonCharacter’s camera itself as the View Target? Or would it be better to just scrap SetViewTargetwithBlend and instead use interpolation to move the camera itself?

Okay nearly immediately after posting I swapped out the GetPlayerCameraManager reference for a GetPlayerCharacter node and it solved everything instantly, no camera position issues at all! I cant believe something i’ve been sweating over for hours was so easy to solve!