Can spline exist independently in viewport?

Hi All,

I am new to UE4. I have been trying to add a spline without an actor in viewport. As of now, only way I can have a spline is to add an empty actor and then add spline component to it. Is there a way to have just an independent spline?

This can be really useful because spline can be reused for various blueprints. I have created a blueprint which contains a spline component, but I would rather allow user to select a spline from scene instead of editing it as blueprint component.

I don’t think there is a way to edit spline points except in world so even making a blueprint of a spline wouldn’t allow you to edit the component in the blueprint (if you could then you could just spawn the blueprint at runtime).

Super hack solution could be to make the splines in a sublevel you load into all your maps. Then you can do a look up by actor type or tag and use them.

Depending on what you are trying to do you could try to use math or timelines to create a similar effect.

Also if its simple you could just have an array of transforms and arrange them in the blueprint then iterate through them and build a spline at runtime.