[Question] (Noob) Lerp FRotator?

I’ve been looking around all morning, and can’t seem to find the C++ function for Linear Interpolate on an FRotator. Could someone point it out to me? thanks a ton

Nevermind, I found it just as I posted this. It’s under FQuat. I just have to convert my rotators to Quaternions.

Here’s an example line that i used to set my characters rotation using a Lerp

Mesh->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(FQuat::FastLerp(Mesh->RelativeRotation.Quaternion(), GetMonsterRotation(movingForward, movingRight).Quaternion(), 0.3f)), true);

You can also use FMath::FixedTurn on individual FRotator axes.

Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind