Repeating Opening and Closing Blueprint editor causes memory leaks

At First Time, I thought memory leaks while opening and closing blueprint editor were solved, but It wasn’t.
I think the items displaying fps, memory, objects numbers by enabling editor menu option could be not exact so I checked UE4Editor’s memory usage,

The more you try it will slightly increase and then decrease, but not much as increased. I seem to have made a mistake, it decrease, but not perfectly. It occurs more with complex blueprint.

And, It will possesses a lot of memory, so I should restart ue4editor.
It even gets slow steadly everytime having complie.

Would you fix this problem prior to any developments? this is critical :).

I think it would be nice if you provided screenshots, or some kind of empirical evidence to help them along. Also you might want to reword your last sentence, it comes across very demanding.

Yeah :), as you can see in my text, I mentioned how to reproduce it. Actually it just happens all the time. I hope that it to be fixed. Because this is critical on developing by blueprints.
Sorry for if it seems too demanding.

The reason I said you should provide evidence, is that I just tried (Opening and closing the blueprint editor) and I had no increase in memory. 645.8MB was the beginning usage, it would jump up to 720MB at its max, then drop right back down to 645.8MB.

Yeah, it could be if you tried just a few times. Just a couple of times doesn’t any difference in memory usage of ue4editor.

But, The more you try it will slightly increase and then decrease, but not much as increased. I seem to have made a mistake, it decrease, but not perfectly.

Even when you try a compile, it also happens. Finally, The Editor works very slow, you can see the many remaining object number by enabling ‘show FPS, memory usage and Objects’ in Editor option menu.

In addition, With a complex blueprint having many nodes leaks more.
And I have a question.

Haven’t you ever had to restart your editor for poor performance? I did a lot of times.

No I havent reset the editor due to performance reasons. I have it open for like 8 hours sometimes. Working on complex blueprints. Complex rendering. I’ve had the editor use up to 12GB of memory, no visible performance issues. It can get a little slow when working on a big complex blueprint (But as I understand that is due to the rendering of slate and the splines in particular and not much can be done about that).

Thank you for information :slight_smile:
I have to check my environments.
I’m speculating a debug console is connected with this.

And I’m not talking about the performance of rendering, it has no problem to me too.Just getting slow and increasing blueprint compiling time.

Hi everyone,

This is a known issue and we are working hard to find a viable solution for it. Thank you and have a great day!

Thank you. I can’t wait to see it fixed :slight_smile: